safety products

we are world's first! safety certified


tofmotions spotguard, based on our worlds first safety certified time-of-flight camera, provides an application for observing safety spots in production, logisitcs and robotics. The user can easily define and place the safety zones via our super simple user interface. An infringement is messaged to the machine controller via OSSD signal, which triggers a corresponding machine action (i.e slowing down).

Experience the functionality of our spotguard application in our product movie!

spotguard in action @FHTW.mp4

moveguard® - sneak preview

watch the benefits, or let's talk about:

moveguard® serves for holistic personnel and load safety for AGVs and AMRs and will have a lot more excellent 3D-functionality.

Here are some of the facts. Stay tuned on this page or contact

  • 150deg diagonal field of view

  • ROS Node

  • Obstacle detection for human safety

  • Minimum clearance outline detection for load safety

  • Small objects detection for vehicle protection

  • Robust floor detection for vehicle protection

Our 3D functionality using the holistic percepetion of the environment, machine learning approaches and simulation scenarios will provide currently unraised potential of flexibility and efficiency and guide you trough the integration process.

moveguard integrated in the FFT iGV One

example for small objects detection

use case - real HRC

tofguard® observes a workplace (i.e. assembling) that is set up as defined zones within the cams coordinate system. By knowledge of each step of operation the risk collision is known upfront and mitigated by the cam. Enters the robot within the defined sequence of safety spots a danger zone a machine reaction at the controller is triggered by an OSSD signal.

your benefits:

  • Enabling of real collaboration

  • Safety spots defined by process

  • Reduction of accident rate and heavy labor

  • Increased flexibility and efficiency
